tomcat - Amazon Load Balancer sticky sessions configuration for jsessionid in URL -

i trying setup amazon load balancer tomcat workers, faced 1 problem.

i'm using sticky sessions , cookie jsessionid available of requests. requests have session information in url, this:;jsessionid=ba6853c23f795bd5eedaea996e601bb8

and not work (and request forwarded wrong worker).

does aws load balancer support jsessionid in url? if no, maybe know workarounds?

with apache + mod_proxy_balancer can, example, define this:

proxypassmatch /.* balancer://mycluster stickysession=jsessionid|jsessionid  

aws's elastic load balancer not support url-based session stickiness.

be sure check you've set elb's stickiness policy.

also, elb's stickiness doesn't @ value of cookie except own called "awselb". when configure cookie-based stickiness policy you're configuring lifetime of stickiness follow lifetime of specified cookie - actual server assignment controlled awselb cookie.


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