The way of yaml parsing? (yaml-cpp) -

i've made yaml file below.

define1: &define1   0: 0   1: 1  define2:   <<: *define1   2: 2 

and tried in online yaml parser. result below. ( how nodes constructed. )

{   "define1": {     "0": "zero",      "1": "one"   },    "define2": {     "0": "zero",      "1": "one",      "2": "two"   } } 

of course expected 'yaml-cpp' parse same way it's somehow different.

i guess it's this. (almost sure)

{   "define1": {     "0": "zero",      "1": "one"   },    "define2": {     "define1": {       "0": "zero",        "1": "one"     },       "2": "two"   } } 

what hell! have check node type while looping?

is known issue? or 'yaml-cpp' parse way?

this code how did.

// parsed const yaml::node& node = &(docyaml)["define2"];  (yaml::iterator it=node->begin(); it!=node->end(); ++it) {     const yaml::node& nodelist = it.second();      std::string str;     nodelist[0] >> str; } 

yaml-cpp doesn't implement "merge" key yet. if want follow issue until it's implemented, see

for now, yaml-cpp parsing yaml file as:

{   "define1": {     "0": "zero",      "1": "one"   },    "define2": {     "<<": {       "0": "zero",        "1": "one"     },       "2": "two"   } } 


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