Stored Proc works in VS 2010 development Server and not in IIS -

dear all, have tremendous problem. developing web site coursework in university. have completed site , used procs each , every interaction db (ms sql server 2008). having finished site, tried deploy site in iis 7 web server of university because need create web services , create silvelight projects … thing procs not retrieve data after deployment in iis. in vs2010 project works perfectly. conn string ok. can retrieve data (having deployed iis). if use

comm.commandtype =; , provide command string. not if use stored procs. e.g.

sqlcommand comm = new sqlcommand("ai932.proc_retrievedocs", conn); comm.commandtype =; sqldataadapter adapter = new sqldataadapter(comm); adapter.fill(dtable);

alter procedure [ai932].[proc_retrievedocs] begin

set nocount on; select *; 


i cannot understand problem? please !!!

what user iis app pool service run as? network service? network service have permission run stored procedure?


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