ruby - word boundaries in irb -

i'm using terminal on snow leopard.

at command line, if i've typed, when tap option-b, moves cursor backward word word -- stopping @ every period, because considers period word boundary. likewise, option-f moves forward word word.

in irb (0.9.5, ruby 1.8.7), option-b , -f have behavior, period no longer treated word boundary, makes these keyboard shortcuts less useful.

how can change this?

edit: curiouser , curiouser: on ec2 instance has same irb , ruby versions, period is treated word boundary.

could of relevance here?

in case make sure option-b/f bound forward , backward-word in inputrc files, john pointed out.

also word boundaries determined locale (see "locale" command), , more lc_ctype (character classification). don't think that's problem here, might want check out , compare locale settings in case.


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