rest - Spring @ExceptionHandler does not work with @ResponseBody -

i try configure spring exception handler rest controller able render map both xml , json based on incoming accept header. throws 500 servlet exception right now.

this works, picks home.jsp:

@exceptionhandler(illegalargumentexception.class) public string handleexception(final exception e, final httpservletrequest request, writer writer) {     return "home"; } 

this not work:

@exceptionhandler(illegalargumentexception.class) public @responsebody map<string, object> handleexception(final exception e, final httpservletrequest request, writer writer) {     final map<string, object> map = new hashmap<string, object>();     map.put("errorcode", 1234);     map.put("errormessage", "some error message");     return map; } 

in same controller mapping response xml or json via respective converter works:

@requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get, value = "/book/{id}", headers = "accept=application/json,application/xml") public @responsebody book getbook(@pathvariable final string id) {     logger.warn("id=" + id);     return new book("12345", new date(), "sven haiges"); } 


your method

@exceptionhandler(illegalargumentexception.class) public @responsebody map<string, object> handleexception(final exception e, final httpservletrequest request, writer writer) 

does not work because has wrong return type. @exceptionhandler methods have 2 valid return types:

  • string
  • modelandview.

see more information. here's specific text link:

the return type can string, interpreted view name or modelandview object.

in response comment

thanx, seems overread this. that's bad... ideas how provides exceptions automatically in xml/json format? – sven haiges 7 hours ago

here's i've done (i've done in scala i'm not sure if syntax correct, should gist).

@exceptionhandler(throwable.class) @responsebody public void handleexception(final exception e, final httpservletrequest request,         writer writer) {     writer.write(string.format(             "{\"error\":{\"java.class\":\"%s\", \"message\":\"%s\"}}",             e.getclass(), e.getmessage())); } 


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