Please explain this Javascript tutorial -

i'm total newbie , i'm confused tutorial. know (at least think know) functions getdate , month , getfullyear pre-set functions determined javascript.

why preset functions necessary tutorial if new date (2000,0,1) being submitted argument formatdate? getdate clash somehow numbers submitted argument?

in function pad, understand "number" checks see whether number less 10 and, if so, adds zero, argument submitted function pad? how numbers check?

can please take me through (using plain language) tutorial step step...thank in advance

function formatdate(date) {   function pad(number) {     if (number < 10)       return "0" + number;     else       return number;   }   return pad(date.getdate()) + "/" + pad(date.getmonth() + 1) +              "/" + date.getfullyear(); } print(formatdate(new date(2000, 0, 1))); 

this function formats , prints date.

the pad function add "0" (not add 10 noted) in front of number less 10.

this allows print date in dd/mm/yyyy format. eg. feb 3, 2011 printed 03/02/2011 instead of 3/2/2011

within formatdate function, last line return pad(.... "pad" function in "formatdate" function takes each date part , sends padding function prepend "0" ensure mm/dd followed instead of possibly sending single digit variable - such 3/2/2011

function formatdate(date) { // date passed here   function pad(number) {    // note function defined within outer function     if (number < 10)       return "0" + number; // prepend 0 if number less 10     else       return number; // if number greater 10, no prepending necessary   }  // pad function ends here    return pad(date.getdate()) + "/" + pad(date.getmonth() + 1) +              "/" + date.getfullyear(); // note how pad used around "date" , "month"  } // formatdate function ends here print(formatdate(new date(2000, 0, 1))); 

hope helps clarify things.

this line:

 return pad(date.getdate()) + "/" + pad(date.getmonth() + 1) +                  "/" + date.getfullyear(); 

gets converted (assuming date of 23/2/2011)

 return pad(23) + "/" + pad(1 + 1) +  "/" + 2011; 

this calls pad(23) - , 23 substituted "number" variable in pad function. no change required , 23 returned.

pad(1+1) = pad(2) - , 2 substituted "number" variable in pad function. appends "0" , returns "02"

so, final conversion

return 23 + "/" + 02 + "/" + 2011; 

and ends printing "23/02/2011".


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