java - Options for defining interface mapping code in the 21st century -

currently working on re-writing several interfaces , looking @ options there defining mapping between systems. need things filtering out records, remap 1 2 etc - core of seems assigning new format old format , looking nice clear/easy maintain way this.

probably written in java - may try , throw in jruby if makes mappings cleaner...

options come mind are:

  1. in code, lots of if/else , assignments
  2. via generic system, store mapping somewhere (eg db) easy-ish items , process in interface

i preferring 1. @ moment - array/map of simple assignments code succinct. , @ least things opaque mapping in code. anticipated interface not change on time...

as write this, thinking making mountain out of mole hill... since have gone far - think?

what do/have done things this?

thanks in advance, chris.

swinging towards option 2 - storing simple mappings in config file/db (perhaps in dsl format) ease of access if change needed in future.


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