How do I call this method? (Objective C) -

i have method report score game center:

   - (void)reportscore: (int64_t) forcategory: (nsstring*) category {     gkscore *scorereporter = [[[gkscore alloc] initwithcategory:category] autorelease];     scorereporter.value = passedint;      [scorereporter reportscorewithcompletionhandler:^(nserror *error) {         if (error != nil)         {             // handle reporting error         }     }]; } 

now have ibaction try call method not able figure out..

- (ibaction)uploadscore {  passedint = [[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] integerforkey:@"scoreoneplayer"]; nslog(@"%i", passedint);  [self reportscore:(passedint)forcategory :(nsstring *) category];  } 

passedint int want upload game center. if can help, appreciated! :)

this should it:

[self reportscore: passedint forcategory: @"put category here"]; 

you shouldn't need provide types in method call.


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