Accessing an SQL Server stored procedure (containing no SELECT statement) from Excel VBA, ideally without using Excel Data Connections? -

i'm trying build vba form runs sql server stored procedure cache data before else. ideally i'd prefer not use excel data connection because can't export new workbook minimum of fuss - it'd nice contain of information in form's file.

the main way know connect vba database using code along these lines:

dim cnn new adodb.connection dim rst new adodb.recordset connectionstring querytext, cnn, adopendynamic  /*whatever you're doing data goes here*/  rst.close cnn.close 

the problem i'm running caching proc doesn't return dataset (not blank one), , type of connection seems throw tizzy if there no data returned. , i'd prefer not modify proc if don't have to.

is there feasible solution, within these constraints? or being whiny , should suck , use excel data connection or something?

i think looking adodb.command. try this:

dim cnn new adodb.connection dim cmd adodb.command connectionstring set cmd = new adodb.command  cmd     .activeconnection = cnn     .commandtext = "exec spnamehere param1"     .commandtype = adcmdtext     .execute end 


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