uml - Import StarUML XMI to Eclipse -

good day, colleagues!

i want convert uml file generated in staruml owl. i'm trying use eclipse odm implementation purpose. problem can't import uml file eclipse begin transformation. create new emf project , trying import xmi file staruml , error:

org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.packagenotfoundexception: package uri 'null' not found. (file:/c:/users/senya/desktop/test_test_test.xmi, 3, 13)     @ org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.xmlhandler.createobjectbytype( 

does know how correctly import staruml files eclipse?

if possible export uml 1.4 model xmi staruml import model enterprise architect.

enterprise architect has very integration eclipse, having said sure there other tools out there use similar approach.


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