.net - Reversible string diff (history) algorithms for C#? -

here's interesting question don't know in terms of existing solutions or research in field, though imagine relates field of compression.

given 2 potentially large strings of text, 1 represents later version of former, possible (well know it's possible, i'm asking there existing solutions) compare 2 strings , reduce them set of differences later used deterministically reconstruct original strings?

in case, i'm interested in storing latest version of string, keeping "compressed" (diffed) historical backups can restored needed, without having store of duplicated information.

i don't know tag this, please me out.

there no built in classes in clr support diffing.

related questions seem have have useful information (i.e. creating delta diff patches of large binary files in c#). can search on "delta encoding" start (i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/delta_encoding).


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