iphone - Determine where is the first zero in a float number -

in app have few random float numbers. have determine, period of zero's start cut number , display in uilabel.

so, example, if have number 3.05 displayed 3.0500000 while want displayed '3.05'.

the easiest way use length limitation @"%.2f". think if want rim zeroes should use this:

nsstring* string = [[nsstring stringwithformat: @"%f", 3.05000000] stringbytrimmingcharactersinset: [nscharacterset charactersetwithcharactersinstring: @"0"]]; 

will return 3.05

nsstring* string = [[nsstring stringwithformat: @"%f", 3.0500100000] stringbytrimmingcharactersinset: [nscharacterset charactersetwithcharactersinstring: @"0"]]; 

will return 3.05001 while @"%.2f" return 3.05

you should notice rounding errors, number 3.0500000010000 string 3.05 returned.


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