ios - What is the definition of Convenience Method in regards to Objective C? -

in languages have dealt with, 1 called convenience method, means method small task gets done frequently, , therefore more convenient use said method.

in objective-c definition hold true? or used describe class methods return prebuilt object? ex. [nsstring stringwithcontentsoffile:...]

is preference thing, or there hard , fast definition these terms?

cheers, stefan

what talking more "convenience constructor" in objective c. (note it's not constructor in c++/java/c# sense, it's object initializer/factory method, seems convention call "convenience constructors"). "convenience constructors" in obj c convention or pattern creating constructor/initializer/factory method class takes specific parameters. pattern has special conventions should follow (such autoreleasing new object within constructor), custom classes fit in built-in types.

see page (a little way down) more info:

as "convenience method," specific term doesn't have special meaning in objective c. can create type of convenience method in obj c, , there no expectation should or should not do. it's "convenience constructor" has special meaning.


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