installer - How can I have different properties and such in a vs 2010 setup project for the for two different release versions? -

what want have 1 setup project in solution, , want able install 'release1' , 'release2' versions (as in versions debug/release1/release2) simultaneously on 1 machine. so, release1 version needs own program folder, product code , shortcuts , such, , release2 version needs own unique versions of these things too.

it seems setup project doesn't store seperate properties 2 different release versions. seems thats different output path, , of course use different generated exes.

am going have move wix solve problem? or there simple i'm missing here? seems kind of stupid can't configure installer different things 2 different release versions. far looking i'll have make setup project, going annoying because don't having maintain 1 setup project let alone 2.

thanks in advance help.


creating 2 different setup projects, 1 called production setup , 1 called test setup might cleanest way, since makes os believe delivering 2 different products, in fact case here.

moving wix, suggested yourself, has indeed advantage can reuse parts in both setup projects, avoiding need maintain same list of files twice, example.

there is, of course, option. if production setup , test setup projects identical, , need exchange guids (the product or package code, example, make msi consider them different), create simple script copies first setup project file second location , exchanges guids within file (which nothing xml file). have maintain first project file , can regenerate second 1 rerunning script.

personally doing such stuff in vbs, can use powershell or write simple tool in language capable of doing xml or regex processing.


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