How to tell if an Android app is actually leaking memory? -
whilst developing application, noticed crashed because jvm not allocate more memory. using the adb shell dumpsys meminfo command, see allocated native heap grew whilst switching activities until approached 16m, when crashed. believe i've corrected code stop happening, notice figures returned ..meminfo vary bit , in general seem rise now.
basically i'm not sure whether should return same values when start , stop application. have these figures , i'm not sure whether signify have memory leak or not:
at home screen, application in memory (pid seen in ddms), not running
adb shell dumpsys meminfo (relevant pid) gives:
native dalvik other total size: 5248 4039 n/a 9287 allocated: 5227 3297 n/a 8524 free: 12 742 n/a 754 (pss): 2183 3534 1726 7443 (shared dirty): 1976 4640 876 7492 (priv dirty): 2040 1664 940 4644
application started home screen, acivities started :
splash screen -> select mode -> activity 1, backed out using button, till @ home screen
meminfo now:
native dalvik other total size: 5572 4231 n/a 9803 allocated: 5497 3153 n/a 8650 free: 74 1078 n/a 1152 (pss): 2479 3614 1742 7835 (shared dirty): 1976 4632 876 7484 (priv dirty): 2336 1740 956 5032
process repeated:
native dalvik other total size: 5696 4231 n/a 9927 allocated: 5211 2949 n/a 8160 free: 392 1282 n/a 1674 (pss): 2515 3713 1742 7970 (shared dirty): 1976 4632 876 7484 (priv dirty): 2372 1840 956 5168
eclipse memory analyzer tool (which don't find informative) reports on following 'leak suspects':
3,143 instances of "java.lang.class", loaded "<system class loader>" occupy 736,760 (35.69%) bytes. biggest instances: class$defaulttimezones @ 0x40158fe0 - 165,488 (8.02%) bytes. class android.text.html$htmlparser @ 0x400eebd8 - 126,592 (6.13%) bytes. class @ 0x43d183d8 - 56,944 (2.76%) bytes. class @ 0x40071430 - 51,456 (2.49%) bytes. class android.content.res.resources @ 0x4004df38 - 33,584 (1.63%) bytes. class android.text.autotext @ 0x400f23c8 - 31,344 (1.52%) bytes. keywords java.lang.class details » problem suspect 2 8,067 instances of "java.lang.string", loaded "<system class loader>" occupy 497,304 (24.09%) bytes. keywords java.lang.string details » problem suspect 3 54 instances of "org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.x509certificateobject", loaded "<system class loader>" occupy 256,024 (12.40%) bytes. these instances referenced 1 instance of "java.util.hashmap$hashmapentry[]", loaded "<system class loader>" keywords org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.x509certificateobject java.util.hashmap$hashmapentry[]
all comments gratefully received
in mat, i've never encountered "leak suspect" leak. looking objects being retained after gc sweep shouldn't be.
for example, suppose have dashboard activity can launch activities , b. launch dashboard, launch activity a, press button, launch activity b, , press button.
using eclipse debug view, can force gc collection event via "cause gc" button. now, click "dump hprof file" button , launch mat. click on "dominator tree" link.
at point, expect memory associated activities & b have been collected garbage unless there error in code. typically, qualify 'memory leak' in app.
this occurs due retained contexts, can eat lot of memory since contexts represent large components (activities, services, etc.).
anything looks suspicious in dominator tree can investigated via "path gc roots" -> "exclude weak references" option (available via right-click menu). path2gc roots view easiest way find objects holding references objects such can't released.
once find unexpected references being retained can take more digging through code understand why . if has system/os component, grepcode friend :)
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