hash - Diff of hashes with a correction factor in Ruby for dynamic hashes -

similar question how create diff of hashes correction factor? want compare hashes inside array hashes can dynamic.

h_array = [    {:roll => "1", :name => "saroj", :class => "mscit"},     {:name => "saroj", :class => "mscit", :roll => "12", :attendance => "p"},     {:class => "mscit", :roll => "12", :name => "saroj", :attendance => "f", :remarks => "something"} ]  get_diff(h_array, correct_factor = 2) # should return # matched :: {:class=>"mscit", :roll=>"12", :name=>"saroj"}, # unmatched :: {:attendance=>"f", :remarks=>"something"}  get_diff(h_array, correct_factor = 3) # should return  # matched :: {:name=>"saroj"}, # unmatched :: {:class=>"mscit", :roll=>"12", :attendance=>"f", :remarks=>"something"} 

the correct_factor number determines how many keys/values should match consider matched. want diff function returns both matched , unmatched pair.

def get_diff(input,correct_factor)     input_hash_merged = hash.new     solution_hash = hash.new     input.select{ |x| input_hash_merged.merge!(x) }     input_hash_merged.each |k,v|         arr = array.new         freq = hash.new(0)         input.select{ |x| arr << x[k] unless x[k].nil? }         arr.select{ |x| freq[x] += 1 }         max_element = arr.sort_by { |x| freq[x] }.last         max_count = freq.values.sort.last         solution_hash[k] = max_element unless max_count < correct_factor     end     unmatched_hash = input_hash_merged.reject{|k,v| !solution_hash[k].nil?}      p solution_hash     p unmatched_hash end 


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