windows - Cygwin automatic script launch -

im trying automatically run script using cygwin via cmd. created bat file goes directory , executes .sh file. sh files accosiated cygwin, , tried "cygwin" in command line. open cygwin. want cygwin automatically run script file. there easy way this, i've been trying find can't. thank you!

you'll want call shell script particular shell, e.g. bash.

when having cygwin open, call which bash figure out binary located. cygwin comes tools can convert paths between cygwin , win32 form, pretty helpful in cases yours.

there 1 other thing may work, depending on setup. there environment variable named pathext declares file extensions deemed "executable" cmd. can used advantage, if windows configured shell's "open" verb executes correct shell file extension .sh (in case).

good luck.


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