Silverlight 4 memory leaks -

i have silverlight 4 application has leaky viewmodel class. have confirmed using windbg , !gcroot command on viewmodel type. unable pin point exact cause of memory leak have attempted resolve using following line of code in corresponding view when closed:

htmlpage.window.navigate(new uri(mytopleveluri));    

this forces app restart , hence rootvisual reinitialised. when use windbg can see there no more references holding onto viewmodel class after view has closed.

however, when monitor memory use of app (using sysinternals) continuously increases. may drop if keep opening , closing suspect view end private byte memory set of on 1,000,000k. also, if add code force gc, never recovers memory allocated. should worried?

are there inherent memory leaks sl4 , controls? don't have faith given patch released fix memory leaks datatemplates (version 4.0.60129.0

it appears answer original question (are there inherent memory leaks sl4?) indeed yes!

the 2 leaks described in links above have apparently been fixed in sl5.


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