python - Trouble Querying Against int Field using MYSQL -

hey, i'm trying run following query:

     self.cursor.execute('select courses.courseid, days, starttime, bldg, roomnum, '                     'area, title, descrip, prereqs, endtime '                     'classes, courses, crosslistings, coursesprofs, profs '                     'classes.courseid = courses.courseid , '                     'courses.courseid = crosslistings.courseid , '                     'courses.courseid = coursesprofs.courseid , '                     'coursesprofs.profid = profs.profid , '                     'classes.classid %s'                     ';',                     (self.classid)) 

classid int(11) field in db. when set self.classid = %, returns results, set say, '3454' or other amount returns nothing when there class classid. querying incorrectly against int fields?

even simpler query select * classes classes.classid = '3454'; not work


select * classes classes.classid = 3454;


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