java - Selecting a class dynamically at runtime -

im trying come solution class processes "message" selected @ runtime depending on message type. know can use

if msg_type = "a"   msgaprocessor.execute(message); else if msg_type = "b"   msgbprocessoror = execute(message); .... .... .... 

i dont want use above approach dont want code know message types processing. want able in future add new message processor new message type. solution thinking of @ moment follows

there 3 message processors @ moment

msgaprocessor msgbprocessor msgbprocessor 

all 3 classes have method called execute process message in own way. have created interface called msgprocessor , added execute() method in interface.

now having difficulty in knowing message processor caller should call without having check message type. example, cant this

msgprocessor proc = new msgaprocessor() proc.execute()

the above stil required in if statement needs called after finding out message type. avoid instantiating using implementation class type.

is there better way of achieving same?

i want able call msgprocessor.execute interface , have runtime environment know implementation class call based on message type.

  1. have interface processor has method execute(). 3 msgprocessors implement this.
  2. have separate class processorcontrol has submit(string message) method. whenever new message comes, processorcontrol.submit(message)
  3. now processorcontrol has method addprocessor(proccesor proc, string type) adds processors hashtable type key. hence each processor assigned type.
  4. in submit method, hashtable.get(type).execute(proc)

this simple command pattern.


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