java - schedule management -

finally after trial , errors have managed make work wanted.

but advice make code more readable , simple seems made lot of unnecessary code archive wanted.

what basicly is, if turn on server app @ time schedule task should running, start task , let run time left when should have started otherwise schedule run @ hour supposed run.

so if schedule time 13:00:00 , should run 120 minutes , start app @ 13:30 run 90 minutes. if start after time, schedule next day 13:00:00.

        calendar calendar = calendar.getinstance();         calendar.set(calendar.hour_of_day, hour);         calendar.set(calendar.minute, 0);         calendar.set(calendar.second, 0);          long start_time = calendar.gettimeinmillis() - system.currenttimemillis();          if (start_time < 0)         {             long minutes = (start_time*-1) / (60 * 1000);             if (minutes > 0 && minutes < 120)             {                 runtimeleft = 120 - minutes;                 threadpoolmanager.getinstance().schedule(new runnable()                 {                     public void run()                     {                         mytask();                     }                 }, 0);             }             else                 runtimeleft = 0;              calendar calendar = calendar.getinstance();             calendar.set(calendar.hour_of_day, hour+24);             calendar.set(calendar.minute, 0);             calendar.set(calendar.second, 0);              start_time = calendar.gettimeinmillis() - system.currenttimemillis();         }          threadpoolmanager.getinstance().scheduleatfixedrate(new runnable()         {             public void run()             {                 mytask();             }         }, start_time, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); 

so question here improve on above code ?

instead of using java.util.timer alone, try using timertask. there article ibm on this.

have @ link:

the code shared , seems work trivial routine job.


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