iphone - ASIHTTPRequest on iPad: "The request timed out" -

my application allows user download relatively large files (~120 mb) own dedicated server. i'm using asihttprequest library downloading.

it may sound weird, worked fine until yesterday. i've tried downloading files countless times both app (on ipad) , mac, , while on mac download succeeds, on ipad randomly times out. goes until 100%, reaches 30%-40% or , asihttprequest's downloadfailed: selector gets called. if print out error's localizeddescription, "the request timed out".

what mean? problem of app? or problem server, or connection? realize depend on several factors, please ask me information need if necessary. thanks.

i had weird network situations timeouts on ipad when using wifi started after upgrade 4.2, intermittent.

going settings -> general -> reset network settings , reentering wifi settings solved me.

(also check hasn't setup new nearby wifi access point on same channel network!)


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