git - Using GitHub behind a firewall without SSH access -

i want use github, company has locked down. now, can use tortoise svn through http protocol. can use github same way? if so, how?

i think you've been able clone github repositories on http, restriction couldn't push them. however, github have introduced smart http transport, can push on https. should work fine behind firewall. there's more on smart http support in blog post:

to give short summary - if click http button on "source" tab of repository, it'll give url like:

if clone url, it'll prompt github password whenever need communicate server (e.g. git clone, git fetch, git push, etc.) however, can clone using url like:

... , won't need re-enter password. (as blog post mentions, make sure you've got https:// @ start of url, , aware means github password stored in plaintext in git config, don't let copy .git directory!)


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