c# - IQueryable<T> cast to IList<SpecificInterface> -


public interface itable { }  public class company : itable {     public int id { get; set; }     public string name { get; set; } }  public class paginationgridmodel {      public paginationgridmodel(ilist<itable> rows) {         //cool stuff goes here     } }  public gridmodel generatemodel<t>(iqueryable<t> table) t : itable {     return new gridmodel((ilist<itable>)table); }  //actual call return generatemodel<company>(this.datacontext.companies); 

exception generated

unable cast object of type 'system.collections.generic.list`1[company]' type 'system.collections.generic.ilist`1[itable]'. 


since company implements itable should able convert list<company> ilist<itable> doesn't want work because it's t. t constrained in function definition itable. doing wrong here? when i'm not using generics setup works fine. wanted generic setup because i've been writing same code on , on - bad :)

any appreciated. if tell me can't done.

for .net 3.5 can use this:

return new gridmodel(table.tolist().convertall(x => (itable)x)); 


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