Vim plugins, tips and tricks for Drupal development -

i looking usefull scripts, vim configurations , addons drupal development vim.

i interested in experiences various scripts, personal favorites , on.

from useful vim plugins web development , design (php, html, css, javascript)?

  • surround.vim enclose text in html tags
  • jslint.vim check javascript errors , bad practices jslint
  • jshint.vim check javascript errors , bad practices jshint (less brutal jslint)
  • automatic folding of php
  • syntastic automatic syntax checking of e.g. php
  • exuberant ctags tagging of wide array of languages.
  • taglist helps view/navigate source, displays call signature in status area.

  • snipmate snipmate drupal texmate bundle.

t-command kicks ass , not drupal development. love it. see video.


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