python - What is the best way to build a database from a MS Word document? -

please advise me on how approach problem:

i have sequential list of metadata in document in ms word. basic idea create python algorithm iterate on information, retrieving name of process, when made queue, database.

example metadata:

process: process walker (1965)
exact reference: walker process equipment., inc. v. food machinery corp.


type of procedure: certiorari united states court of appeals seventh circuit. parties: walker process equipment, inc.

sector: systems ...

start date: october 12-13 arguedas, 1965
summary: food machinery company has initiated process stop or slow entry of competitors through use of patent obtained fraud. case concerned patent on "knee action swing diffusers" used in aeration equipment sewage treatment systems, , question whether "the maintenance , enforcement of patent obtained fraud before patent office" may basis antitrust punishment.
report of evolution process: petitioner, in answer respond...

importance: a) first case established analysis diagnosis of dispute…

there 200 pages containing information above.

i have in mind idea of implementing algorithm in python able break information sequence , try store in web database (an open source application i’m looking for) in order allow free consultations.

check out antiword converting document plaintext, grep , sed convert format can pipe script.


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