parsing a String in PHP -

i got string in following format:


i need parse entries within quotes, , array this:

$testarray[0]['key'] = "securimage_code_value"; $testarray[0]['value'] = "417z";  $testarray[1]['key'] = "userid"; $testarray[1]['value'] = "25"; 

and on...

no i'm not trying hack sessions ;) i'm using uploadify codeigniter, , need verify, user allowed upload, based on session. cannot use codeigniter session functions, since uploadify creates own session upload-php-script. pass session_id uploadify scriptdata, , session_id in ci_sessions table, parse required session userdata myself.

maybe knows better solution well? ;)

$params = unserialize($string);  $testarray = array(); foreach($params $key => $value) {    $testarray[]= compact('key', 'value'); } 

see unserialize documentation.

update. inherit/patch sess_read() system/libraries/session.php make accept custom session id:


function sess_read() {   ...   // unserialize session array   $session = $this->_unserialize($session);   ... } 


function sess_read($session_id = null) {   ...   // unserialize session array   $session = $this->_unserialize($session);   if ($session_id) $session['session_id'] = $session_id;   ... } 

also remember set sess_match_useragent = false in session config file, otherwise request uploadify rejected, because flash's user agent different broswer's user agent.

and can load session id:


much less of hack parsing data db manually.


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