load csv file content into mysql table with validation -

i want import large csv file (about 12mo) mysql table , first tried load data infile work , in case want firstly test csv rows determine if want update data or insert new records solution read file , compare content of each row data in table , , make right action methode works takes lot of time , resources

now question

1 : can use import functions of phpmyadmin ( open source ) , project comercial

2 : if yes can , know tutorials ( idea )

3 : if no can't , there such commercial frameworks exporting/importing


this pretty common sql: either want insert or update, yes? need 2 statements (one update, 1 insert) , way tell if should inserted. need unique key never duplicated individual record (can composite key) , 2 statements, this:

update right set    right1 = left1,    right2 = left2,    etc the_import_table right left join the_existing_data left on left.key = right.key right.key not null --note write in tsql  insert right (    right1,    right2,    etc ) select    left1,    left2,    etc left left join right on left.key = right.key right.key null 

note can use composite keys using set of anded values in where, , note you're not updating composite keys inserting composite keys. should start. before ask clarification update question actual code.


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