javascript - Microsoft styled tabs -

recently asked question on stackoverflow multiline tabs. below link

multi-line tabs

i wondering if possible make them windows styled tabs, if tab in first line selected, want push second line. problem have creating dynamic tabs. possible using javascript/jquery, calculate widths of each tab , determine @ point second line of tabs started?


updated added tab auto-resize.

tested on chrome / ff

    $(function() {         setlines();         $('#windows-properties li a').click(function(e) {         e.preventdefault();            var $li = $(this).parent();              $(this.hash).show().siblings('.property-content').hide();             var litp =  parseint($li.position().top);             if (litp < lastlipos) {                 $('li.line-' + litp).wrapall('<div id="move-lis"></div>');                 $('#move-lis').insertafter('#windows-properties li:last');                 $('li.line-' + litp).unwrap();                 setlines();             }             $li.addclass('selected').siblings('li').removeclass('selected');         });         var $lstli = $('#windows-properties li:last');         var lastlipos =  parseint($lstli.addclass('selected').position().top);         $('.property-content:last').show();     }); //.... other part of code in demo source ... 


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