java - JGoodies Maven plugin NullPointerException -

i doing jgoodies gui application using maven. program run on idea, when created executible jar file dependencies, jar file created except running there error :

exception in thread "main" java.lang.nullpointerexception @ bemukan.downloadaccelerator.home.( @ bemukan.downloadaccelerator.main.main(

thats there nullpointerexception. wonder whether jgoodies maven plugin creating jar file.

adding following plugin pom.xml, provided convert *.form files *.java files

 <plugin>         <groupid>org.codehaus.mojo</groupid>         <artifactid>ideauidesigner-maven-plugin</artifactid>         <executions>            <execution>               <goals>                  <goal>javac2</goal>               </goals>            </execution>         </executions>         <configuration>           <fork>true</fork>           <debug>true</debug>           <failonerror>true</failonerror>          </configuration>       </plugin> 


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