java - Analyzing memory with MAT - question about UTF characters -

i .hprof file , i'm analyzing eclipse memory analyser (mat).

i run top component report and, in duplicate strings section, mat detects string instances identical content.

i'm working string.intern() , other homework me, not question. report shows me duplicated strings these:

  • \u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000....
  • \u000a\u0009\u0009
  • \u000a\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009 , on.

other strings readable, but, how these ones? i'm thinking xml parsing (i use jibx in app).

my questions are:

  • what think these strings coming? how can analyse them better?
  • if xml parsing or else, how can clean/clear them after parsing? maybe jibx 1.0.1 release old these issues?

any suggestion these utf-8 like strings appreciated. in advance.

you can right-click on suspicious string , select list objects/with incoming references. show objects reference strings.

incoming references


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