GWT 2.2.0 and 3rd party MVP frameworks -

gwt 2.2.0 brings radical changes in gwt: activities, places. many frameworks gwt-mvp, etc. work on older features of gwt rpc, mvp, etc.

are these third party frameworks deprecated? there frameworks emerged since gwt 2.2.0?


the third party frameworks not automatically deprecated because google duplicated functionality, prefer features built right gwt external libraries. gwt team has shown dedication , reliability product i've come trust - , don't have time build trust 3rd parties if don't have to!

that said, there still rough edges features gwt has released, , 3rd-party frameworks may more mature gwt counterparts. feeling that, things i'm learning scratch, might learn gwt things. libraries i've been using long time (gwt-log, gwt-dnd), if google builds straight gwt, need pretty compelling features me switch momentum.


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