Flex XML descendents -

i have complex xml structure want descendents uisng xml paren.child.@attribute representation

for example

<employes> <employe id="a123">     <month name="jan" sales="100" target="110">         <task  sale="100" target="110"/>     </month>     <month name="feb" sales="150" target="150">         <task  sale="75" target="75"/>         <task  sale="75" target="75"/>     </month> </employe> <employe id="b123">     <month name="dec" sales="50" target="100">         <task  sale="50" target="100"/>     </month>     <month name="jan" sales="100" target="110">         <task  sale="100" target="110"/>     </month>     <month name="feb" sales="150" target="150">         <task  sale="75" target="75"/>         <task  sale="75" target="75"/>     </month> </employe> 

suppose want xml nodes month.task.@target how can implement this, mean give input "month.task.@target" , return should xmllist containing node have same structure can 1 me please thanks

you'll need use ".." operator.

your query should like:


this return "task" nodes on level.

you can add filtering on attributes:

employes..task(@target == 75) 


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