Delphi: function Result not emptied during for loop -

is normal?

for := 1 10     x.test;     x.test;    x.test;    x.test;  function test: string; begin   {$ifdef debug}  debugmessage('result check = '+result,3); {$endif}    result := result + 'a'; end;  10:39:59: result check =  10:39:59: result check = 10:39:59: result check = aa 10:39:59: result check = aaa 10:39:59: result check = aaaa 10:39:59: result check = aaaaa 10:39:59: result check = aaaaaa 10:39:59: result check = aaaaaaa 10:39:59: result check = aaaaaaaa 10:39:59: result check = aaaaaaaaa  10:39:59: result check =  10:39:59: result check =  10:39:59: result check =  

function result stack not freed during loop? :o

result treated implicit var parameter function.

imagine if wrote out explicitly way:

procedure test(var result: string); begin   result := result + 'a'; end;  := 1 10   test(s); 

then expect append s.

the fact throwing away result each time call why compiler decides finalise it. @gabr points out, elects not finalize implicit variable when inside loop optimisation.

if assign result of test string every time called test you'd see string longer each time, never re-initialized.

this why should initialize result variable. looks local variable, best thought of var parameter.


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