windows - Is there a cross-platform C signal library available(better open-sourced)? -

i'm working on project in need port portion of linux c code windows. code uses linux signal mechanism(i mean "sigaction", "sigprocmast", etc...) not supported on windows.

is there c/c++ library available implements cross-platform signal mechanism(better open-sourced)? need library support linux & windows.

i think this question make sense you because might given similar task day.

one of colleagues told me ace powerful library implements cross-platform signal mechanism perfectly, said it's huge library , take time study it. project doesn't give me time i'm trying light-weight , easy-to-study signal library. (hmm.. well, if libraries know pretty big, please tell me. :-)

i've done lot of research on subject google couldn't find want. here what have done far:

  1. searched in people asked lot of details how use signals in linux nobody seemed ask cross-platform signal implementation.

  2. or, in, people asked mechamism called "signal-slot". don't think need.

  3. searched in entire google. tried key words "c signal "cross platform" or cross-platform -game -python -gui -audio -digital -analysis -slot -image -processing -socket -time -directmedia" couldn't find want.

please help! thanks!

you can try porting library using cygwin. there several applications following same way.


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