visual studio - Reporting Services - header with blank spaces -

i got problem rdlc-report repeats whole header, if there data or not, repeats blank space.

i dont want use rectangle instead of header or something, there workaround let header-data in header?

i dont want have blank spaces, wanna see body there.

thanks in ancipiation alex

you can try group header...? hide row(s) if there's no data it, , won't leave space... set header repeat on each page.

would option?

i've done few reports required footer of stuff in there needed on last page didn't want huge white space in footer area when visibility set hide pages last one... group footer didn't work me because needed things @ bottom of every page (like form) , can't access globals in body of report toggle visibility... had setting stuff wanted on last page @ end of data, meaning might in middle of last page.... positioned main tablix inside big rectangle that's equal whole page length - margin size - header length - footer length - (that rectangle want on last page).length if there 1 row of data, last page item isn't directly below right above footer should be. however, if data more page, rectangle @ end of data, okay compromise.


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