Segfault when trying to call a Python function from C -

so, want call python callback function c.

at point, function sent c , packed tuple this

pyobject *userdata = py_buildvalue("oi",py_callback,some_number); 

somewhere in area, py_incref(py_callback), too.
@ later time in program, want call function

pyobject *py_callback; int some_number; pyarg_parsetuple((pyobject*)userdata,"oi",&py_callback,&some_number); // returns true pyobject *py_result = pyobject_callfunctionobjargs(py_callback,                                                    /* ... */                                                    null); 

and last call throws segmentation fault. have idea, why such thing?

when getting weird behaviour python c api, worth double checking managing state of global interpreter lock (aka "the gil") correctly:


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