security - Sharing an encrypted connection string across multiple applications in .NET -

i'm looking way of encrypting database connection string shared across number of different services , applications. these applications , services run on same machine, may (most likely) change in future.

i've taken @ functionality in .net's system.configuration namespace, , doesn't quite want. unless i'm missing obvious, allows me encrypt connection string there doesn't appear way export encryption keys can share them across multiple machines. in fact, isn't clear msdn documentation whether i'll able share encrypted data across multiple processes. it's worth noting here not web service, can't make use of web.config file , aspnet_regiis.exe perform key management. or can i?

if there no way of doing with system.configuration classes, i'll resort storing encrypted connection string in registry , own key management. ideal solution avoid registry , use .net's system.configuration facility.

you can use same .config encryption functionality available in, you'll need during installation (or first time run) of windows app (i presume you're asking for?)

see article:


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