ruby on rails - Minimizing queries - Sorting results from a model -

i have client has_many :tasks. want sort these tasks separate variables, or hash, available view depending on date due.

i'm trying minimize queries, , know @ point should pull tasks client, sort each task variable. can using controller method , before_filter when loading show action:

 def build_client_tasks     @tasks = client.tasks.due     @tasks_today = []     @tasks_tomorrow = []     @tasks_upcoming = []     @tasks_later = []     task in @tasks       if task.due_date <=         @tasks_today << task       elsif task.due_date == date.tomorrow         @tasks_tomorrow << task       elsif task.due_date > date.tomorrow && task.due_date <= 7.days.from_now.to_date         @tasks_upcoming << task       else         @tasks_later << task       end     end   end 

is there better/smarter way this? works fine, if want reload these tasks when user adds new task via ajax? i'm forced duplicate code in *.js.erb file available when tasks partial reloaded.

there must better way. in advance help!

regarding comment: not create different database cells. should have 1 due_date. scope block this:

class task < activerecord::base

scope :due_dated, lambda {|date| where(:due_date => date) } 


you can this:


hi steve, might want try define in tasks/client model.

class task < activerecord::base  named_scope :today, :conditions => { :due => }  ...  end  class client < activerecord::base  def self.tasks_due_today end   end 

and in view this:

<%=  @client.tasks_due_today. each |ct| %> <li><%=  ct.content  %> <%end%> 


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