Porting from Rails 2.3.x to 3.x? -

has had experience porting rails 2.3.x rails 3.x?

any pitfalls aware of or suggestions make?


there lots of online resources performing upgrade. firsthand experience issues arise , first are:

  • gem incompatibilities: there many gems work rails 3, , gems used work in rails 2 might no longer work in rails 3. make sure latest gem versions , read documentation ensure gems depend on supported.
  • configuration changes: there's nothing special them, there lots , you'll have go through grunt work of making them.
  • ruby 1.8.7 or greater: can't run rails 3 ruby 1.8.6. if aren't doing though, should @ least on ruby 1.8.7. if want upgrade ruby 1.9.x you'll have whole slew of other gem extension issues deal with, won't go here because you're asking rails 2 rails 3.
  • bundler: if aren't using it, should be. makes managing gems , gem dependencies easier. have use bundler rails 3.
  • no ./script/... anymore: calls made through rails script: rails console, rails db , rails generate.
  • architecture: there lots of architectural , syntactic changes, , can read more them here.


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