.net - Best approach to send mass e-mails through an ASP.NET webpage -

i've written contact management/communication system records details of people , allows mass communications sent out.

however when e-mails being sent following exception raised:

system.threading.threadabortexception: thread being aborted

what best way send out mass e-mails through asp.net?

what i'm looking approach that'll keep in asp.net

i have feeling may need store e-mails in database , have separate .net console application/windows service send them out. because of development overhead , lack of time have, last option want consider.

there no reliable way mass email broadcasting .net without intermediary.

what mean emails must queued in database or other persisted storage. then, need app (console, service, whatever) responsible monitoring queue , acting on broadcast requests.

second, not send them straight code. instead, send emails local mail server under control rebroadcasting actual recipient. shear number of spam detection mechanisms (like grey-listing) means spend inordinate amount of time doing things sending message, getting grey-list denial, waiting 15 minutes (or long), sending again see go through.

the reason queueing if going through real mail server keep overloading local mail server.

sending mail .net fine 1 offs, when of recipients within company. however, anytime have send them general public reliability need "grow up" speak.


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