javascript - How to disable the delete button using if condition in Extjs -

how disable delete button using if condition in extjs ex;i want disable button if satifies given if condition else remain enabled. if(validaction(entityhash.get(''),actionhash.get('action.delete')))

this grid delete button code.

ext.reg("gridheaderbar-inactive", ad.gridinactivebutton,{                   xtype: 'tbspacer', width: 5 });    ad.gridcampdeletebutton = ext.extend(ext.toolbar.button, {      //text: 'delete',      cls: 'ad-img-button',     width:61,     height:40,     iconcls: 'ad-btn-icon',     icon: '/webapp/resources/images/btn_del.png',     handler:function(){          statuschange(this.parentbar.parentgrid, 'delete')     } }); 

create actioncolumn , make custom renderer:

{     xtype: 'actioncolumn',     width: 38,     renderer: function (val, metadata, record) {         this.items[0].icon = '${context_path}/images/' + record.get('filetype') + '.png';         this.items[0].disabled = !record.get('isdownloadactionenable');         this.items[1].disabled = !record.get('isdeleteactionenable'); = 'cursor: pointer;';         return val;     },     items: [         {             icon: '${context_path}/images/pdf.png',  // use url in icon config             tooltip: 'download',             handler: function (grid, rowindex, colindex) {                 //handle             }         },         {             icon: '${context_path}/images/delete.png',  // use url in icon config             tooltip: 'delete',             handler: function (grid, rowindex, colindex) {                 handle             }         }     ] } 

in example see additionally how change dynamically icon.


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