How do I sort and add unique array options to a DropDownList using jQuery? -

i have array of objects “allclaimants” has 2 properties (userinfo & userid);


allclaimants[allclaimantscounter].userinfo = "santhalingam sugirtha, 1980-06-05"; allclaimants[allclaimantscounter].userid = "1076073"; 

my allclaimants[allclaimantscounter].userinfo information contains 2 things “name + date of birth”.

how can sort (by userinfo - in userinfo want sort name part not date of birth) , add unique values select dropdown (claimantsdropdown) text allclaimants[allclaimantscounter].userinfo , value allclaimants[allclaimantscounter].userid?


you convert array list


and use linq like

list.orderby(x=> x.key) 

and depend on type of dropdrown have fill it, if dropdown aspnet server control use list datasource.


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