eclipse - no ocijdbc10 in java.library.path -

so i've been plagued issue, whenever try run app in eclipse, error.

2011-02-23 09:55:08,388 error ( -  java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: no ocijdbc10 in java.library.path 

i've tried following steps found here no luck. i've tried on xp vm windows 7 (although in win 7 different error, below)

java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror: no ocijdbc9 in java.library.path 

i've made sure oracle client ok (by running toad) , re-added classes12.jar / ojdbc14.jars web-inf/lib folder taken directly %oracle_home% folder (also re-added them lib path). i've tried adding ojdbc14.jar without classes12.jar. suggestions appreciated.

in xp vm have path variable set c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin;c:\oracle\product\\bin. i'm using tomcat server 5.0

i agree advice you've gotten in comments use thin driver instead of oci driver if can. simpler , should bypass problem you're having.

if need oci driver reason, problem dlls not on java library path. separate classpath used locate class definitions. clues here (a) fact error references java.library.path, , (b) fact getting unsatisfiedlinkerror rather classnotfoundexception.

you need set java.library.path property include location of dlls, or add location of dlls windows path, in order java locate them.

more information here:


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