caching - How do I save and reload MySQL Query Cache to Keep Site Running at Peak Speed -

i running magento e-commerce installation (which runs on php/mysql) on testing server. have large (from i've read) query_cache_size of 272,629,760 bytes , works great.

the site runs lightning fast once of queries loaded query cache, fast fastest production sites (other perhaps or problem have in order load of queries query cache have manually click through 100's of links on site. every time click link, query sent database , saved in cache. if restart server, have on again. there must better way!

ideally, think there should way "backup" query cache before restart , load upon restart. possible?

otherwise, i'm going have design web crawler automatically clicks links.

aside mysql's query cache, should using apc (alternative php cache) well, , possibly of magento's built-in full-page caching mechanisms.

this mitigate of round-trips mysql , back, lessening need primed mysql cache. can 'prime' cache of magento db manually, that's hiding real issue here, , that's avoid going mysql @ - within magento.

and it's worth - you're first person i've ever come across compared magento's speed of google , yahoo. :)


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