blackberry - Add gui components from bottom up instead of top down -

is possible add gui components blackberry screen beginning bottom instead of top ?


a quick response no let me explain why , suggest afew work arounds;

screens don't handle laying out of fields onto themselves, delcare delegate manager can type of manager, vertical, horizontal etc. problem managers begin painting top left. manager paint fields starting bottom have know exaclty bottom located , add components rather down goes against low level code inside manager class. can read more on managers in blackberry api documentation.

you still achieve effect similar though tweaking how add fields , playing field styles. example consider code:

  add(new labelfield("field 1"));   add(new labelfield("field 2")); 

this give results;

 field 1  field 2 

because field 1 drawn field 2 below it. if insert fields @ begining of our manager e.g. position 0 so:

   insert(new labelfield("field 1", field_bottom), 0);    insert(new labelfield("field 2", field_bottom), 0); 

we results;

field 2 field 1 

which results you'd expect screen described in question.

i'm not sure how you'd fields paint bottom of screen though, try researching "position relative bottom" styles i'm unsure.


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