mvc - How to avoid duplication of authorization code logic -

i've written custom authorization attribute derived system.web.mvc.authorizeattribute. i'm using controllers restrict access features.

public class articlecontroller : controller {     [customauthorize(role.administrator)]     public actionresult delete(int id)     {        // ...     } } 

and works fine. want show or hide html elements according same authorization logic. example, in view "article", want hide action button "delete" if user not administrator. i've written that:

<ul id="menu">    <li>@if (user.isinrole(role.administrator)) {            @html.actionlink("delete", "delete", "article", new { id = }, null)        } </li> </ul> 

it works fine well, creates code logic duplication because need specify twice necessary credientials perform action:

  • in controller block or allow action.
  • in view show or hide action link.

what best way avoid duplication? there way reuse custom authorization attribute views?

a custom helper should best option, like:

@html.secureactionlink("delete", "delete", "article") 

this helper check on kind of service see if current user/role has permission on link.


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