Perl's DBD::mysql -- installation conflict -

attempting install perl module dbd::mysql on windows 7

from windows command line executed

perl -mcpan -e 'install dbd::mysql' 

which downloaded , uncompressed file -- then gave me error: going build c/ca/capttofu/dbd-mysql-4.018.tar.gz  set gcc environment - 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3) c:\progra~1\mysql\mysqls~1.1\bin\mysqla~1.exe: connect server @ 'localhost' failed error: 'access denied user 'odbc'@'localhost' (using password: no)' problem running c:\progra~1\mysql\mysqls~1.1\bin\mysqla~1.exe - aborting ... warning: no success on command[c:\perl\bin\perl.exe installdirs=site ] 

guessing issue mysql's root user has password, what's not clear how resolve issue.

questions, feedback, requests -- comment, thanks!!

---------- update (1): re: force install dbd::mysql

cpan> force install dbd::mysql running install module 'dbd::mysql' running make c/ca/capttofu/dbd-mysql-4.018.tar.gz   has been unwrapped directory c:\perl\cpan\build\dbd-mysql-4.018-a 1t8uh   'c:\perl\bin\perl.exe installdirs=site' returned status 256, won't  make running make test   make had problems, won't test running make install   make had problems, won't install 

on other platforms, build process runs mysql_config command necessary information mysql installation without need of user , password; on win32, if have mysql_config command, have explicitly tell --mysql_config yourpathname parameter. if don't, looks mysqladmin program , uses location determine as can runs mysqladmin version mysql version. can provide user/password able using --testuser , --testpassword parameters


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