events - Removing two children and its parent with Javascript -

been struggling 1 have following dom structure:

<ol id="add_images">     <li>         <input type="file" /><input type="button" name="removebutton" />     </li>      <li>        <input type="file" /><input type="button" name="removebutton" />     </li>      <li>         <input type="file" /><input type="button" name="removebutton" />     </li>       

basically i'm trying remove children , containing parent (the li tag) when clicking remove button.

i have tried every manner of parentnode , removechild combinations. below javascript, can children not parent.

function addfile(addfilebutton) {     var form = document.getelementbyid('add_images');     var li = form.appendchild(document.createelement("li"));      //add additional input fields should user want upload additional images.         var f = li.appendchild(document.createelement("input"));     f.classname="input";     f.type="file";"files[]";      //add remove field button should user change mind     var rb = li.appendchild(document.createelement("input"));     rb.type="button";     rb.value="remove file";     rb.onclick = function () {//this problem         li.removechild(this.parentnode);         li.removechild(this);     } } 

i'm sure simple. help.

since you're trying remove <li>, need parentnode, ol.


you use form variable reference ol.




or without variables in order avoid creating closure.



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