Deploy an iphone app from xcode to iphone -

i doing school project , required deploy iphone app phone. have noob questions ask. have tried read solutions website dont understand! these questions: iphone app minus app store , how can deploy iphone application xcode real iphone device.

can here give me easier way understand please?


  • sign ios developer account. includes signing apple id, enrolling apple developer, opting dev account developer program. link walks through process.
  • hook device machine , @ in xcode organizer (window > organizer).
  • tell xcode want use development.

i believe xcode out more used to. if doesn't, apple has step-by-step instructions. in short, need to:

  • use keychain access generate csr (certificate signing request)
  • submit apple via dev portal
  • download resulting development signing certificate , install along apple's intermediate certificate in keychain double-clicking on files.
  • you need create provisioning profile.
  • add device id it.
  • download , stick on device, e.g., dragging device in itunes.

then, can build , run app on device. it's pain explain, pretty easy feel way through once started.


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